Education inspection framework 2019: inspecting the substance of education

05 April 2019

JIA-at-NRAS and several other charities, who are members of the Health Conditions in Schools Alliance have jointly responded to the consultation, focusing on trying to ensure that during school inspections, Ofsted take into consideration whether or not a school has an appropriate and visible medical conditions policy.

Whilst some schools have a medical conditions policy and its easily accessible, many schools don’t have one. The Children and Families Act 2014 brought with it a change in the law meaning that from September 2014, schools have to make arrangements to support pupils with medical conditions. The Department for Education (England) published new statutory guidance to accompany this change, called ‘Supporting pupils at school with medical conditions’, and schools must have regard to this.

Governing bodies should ensure that all schools develop a policy for supporting pupils with medical conditions that is reviewed regularly and is readily accessible to parents and school staff.

In most cases, where a school has a policy, it has recognised its statutory requirements and takes its responsibilities of care for children and young people with medical conditions seriously, and so for students with JIA in these schools, the difference in support is very noticeable.

As soon as we have any news, we will be sharing it with you.