Exeter Family Fun Day 201919 September 2019 We were joined by three health care professionals, Caroline Morrison from Derriford Hospital, Jane Ellis and Laura Everson from Bristol Childrens Hospital. Caroline, Jane and Laura facilitated a JIA topical Q&A session for parents and young people after an inspirational talk from Natasha and her mum; Natasha talked about her journey to date with JIA, she was diagnosed very young and is currently at University studying Marine Biology. Many parents and young people commented on how they were inspired by Natasha, and whilst she was not in remission and was still struggling, her achievements were motivating and encouraging. Most of the children had their faces painted, in fact a few were caught washing their art work off so they could have it done again! Following the talks and lunch there was plenty of time for the families to converse with each other and join in all the games. It was a wonderful day in Exeter and we are looking forward to doing it all again next year. View photos