Children at Cecil Gowing Infant School are inspired to Help a Good Cause21 June 2019 Dylan and Finlay Hermann have a little sister, Willow, who has juvenile arthritis and they wanted to fundraise for the charity which offers support and advice to families, so they asked Mrs Stubbs, the Headteacher, if they could hold a ‘Dress in Purple Day’ on June 7th to highlight the condition and raise money. Mrs Stubbs offered to scribe the article and this is what the boys want to publicise… Finlay “I want people to know that 1 in a 1000 children in the UK has JIA (Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis) it is very hard to say.” Dylan “Our school is raising money for JIA, it affects the joints and the eyes. Most people think arthritis is just for old people” Finlay ”Willow has to have 2 lots of medicine and she says one tastes like cake and the other tastes like flowers. She has to have injections too” Mrs Hermann explained that with medication Willow can be as active as any other child and Finlay and Dylan confirmed she loves to play outside! Children at the school raised over £100 which will be donated to the charity. Thank you Dylan and Finlay for your well- articulated article!