JIA Awareness Week

Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis Awareness Week (JIA AW) is a campaign created by NRAS to raise awareness of the condition and eliminate misconceptions by educating and informing friends, family, schools, employers of those with JIA and the general population about what juvenile idiopathic arthritis truly is.

What is JIA Awareness Week?

The campaign is to raise awareness of the condition and eliminate these misconceptions by educating and informing friends, family, schools, employers of those with JIA and the general population about what juvenile idiopathic arthritis truly is. JIA is very different to osteoarthritis (OA) in that it can strike at any age under 16 and around half of those diagnosed each year will have it for life. It is an auto-immune disease, which is a key differentiating factor to OA and means that in addition to joints, it can affect organs such as the eyes. There are very serious consequences to getting a late diagnosis or a lack of targeted appropriate treatment.

JIA Awareness Week 2024

Our 2024 campaign #ThisisJIA aims to raise awareness of how JIA, although a disease diagnosed during childhood, can impact those affected by the disease in so many different ways, at varying stages of life.

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JIA Awareness Week 2023

Read about our 2023 campaign, #BustingJIAMyths. The campaign aimed to “bust” the myths about this incurable, invisible condition, as well as introduced our #JIAMythBusterQuiz!

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JIA Awareness Week 2022

Our 2022 JIA Awareness Week campaign focused on the fluctuating condition that JIA is and no two days are the same living with JIA. #SameJIADifferentDay

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