Donation FAQs

Online by BACS transfer: Using the details below, you can make a BACS transfer from your account to the NRAS account.

Account Name: The National Rheumatoid Arthritis Society

Sort Code: 40-31-05

Account Number: 81890980

By post: Send a cheque, made payable to NRAS, along with your details to:

NRAS, Beechwood Suite 3, Grove Park Industrial Estate, White Waltham, Maidenhead, Berkshire, SL6 3LW

By phone: Phone NRAS on 01628 823524 and pay with debit or credit card.

Via the NRAS website:

Don’t forget to notify the fundraising team of your donation so we know to look out for it:

Paying in funds from a fundraiser

Thank you for supporting NRAS. You can pay your money to NRAS in the following ways:

At the Bank or the Post Office: Go to any branch of HSBC or to your local Post Office to pay funds directly to NRAS using the following details:

Account Name: The National Rheumatoid Arthritis Society

Sort Code: 40-31-05

Account Number: 81890980

Online by BACS transfer:  Using the details above, you can make a BACS transfer from your account to the NRAS account.

By post: Send a cheque, made payable to NRAS, along with your details to: NRAS, Beechwood Suite 3, Grove Park Industrial Estate, White Waltham, Maidenhead, Berkshire, SL6 3LW

By phone: Phone NRAS on 01628 823524 and pay with debit or credit card

Via the NRAS website:

Don’t forget to notify the fundraising team of your payment so we know to look out for it:

Our website is very secure.

If your bank card is enrolled in the 3D Secure scheme (also known as Verified by Visa or MasterCard SecureCode). you will be asked to enter the password you’ve set up with your bank. If it is the first time you’ve used the scheme you will be asked to create a password. These details are stored by your bank and never by NRAS.

Setting up a Direct Debit gift online is also completely safe. Any personal information you enter onto our online Direct Debit pages (including, name, address and bank account details) is encrypted before being sent to us and recorded on secure servers operated by our payment gateway provider, RSM.

RSM store your information in a secure environment using industry-standard practices. You are then covered by the Direct Debit guarantee. We will write to you to confirm the details of your gift and give you at least 21 days before taking the first payment. You can amend or cancel at any time.

For every £1 raised we spend 82p on charitable activities.

Please take a look at the NRAS Annual Review, which will detail our incredible achievements.

JIA-at-NRAS is a part of the National Rheumatoid Arthritis Society (NRAS).

The charity’s full legal name is The National Rheumatoid Arthritis Society.

Our registered charity number in England is 1134859, and in Scotland SC039721

By phone:
Call us on 01628 823524 and ask for a member of the Fundraising Team.

By post:
Send your name, address and question(s) to NRAS, Beechwood Suite 3, Grove Park Industrial Estate, White Waltham, Maidenhead, Berkshire, SL6 3LW

By email:
Please email with your question(s).

Help support others

Because of your generous donations JIA-at-NRAS will continue to be there for everyone affected by JIA.

NRAS in 2023

  • 0 Helpline enquiries
  • 0 Publications sent out
  • 0 People reached