
The night before the exam

Studies have shown that you recall information better if you read or listen to it just before you go to sleep. Revision cannot be done in one night, and the night before the exam you won’t be learning anything new, but this can be a key time to run through the main points you want to remember.


Did you know that studies have shown you recall information better if you read or listen to it just before you go to sleep? Or that learning is more effective when spread out than it is if you try cramming it into one study session?

By the time you approach the night before an exam, you have probably (or hopefully) spent several weeks revising and in all likelihood the night before the exam you won’t be learning anything new. Just before you go to sleep run through the main points you want to remember but before that, spend the evening getting yourself into the right mindset.

  • Spoil yourself with a delicious celebratory meal the night before, to help you feel happy and uplifted, ready for the exam.
  • Do something that makes you laugh. Listening to a funny podcast or watching your favourite comedy shows is a good way to relieve stress.
  • It may seem obvious but double check to make absolutely sure you know where you’re going, what time you need to be there and the subject! Set two alarms to make sure you wake up in plenty of time and if you have parents or housemates at home, get them to make sure you are up and ready and out the door in time.
  • Eat a good breakfast, something that slowly releases energy, like porridge, muesli or granola. Fruit smoothies are also great for breakfast on the go.

Before you get to the exam hall, check the most important facts again and then stop, you don’t want your brain to be overloaded. 

In the exam hall, consider how you can keep your stress and anxiety levels under control. Consider a minute or so of deep breathing at your desk or stretching out your arms and legs for a few moments if you can.

Don’t drink loads, you are not going to get dehydrated in the exam and if you are too full of fluid, you will just be uncomfortable and distracted.
When the exam is over, try not to stress about what you could have or shouldn’t have written. You have done all you can now and thinking up better answers will only distract you from relaxing and enjoying the fact that you have done it!

Updated: 08/10/2020